But if You Get Your Way…

John Hulsey
3 min readSep 27, 2021


The political, social, and cultural divides continue in America right now, and we are all being pulled to one side or the other. I admit that I am passionate about my beliefs and feel like they are correct. But others stand opposite my positions, and they feel just as certain they have the right answers as I do.

So here’s my take on it, and I’m honestly curious to hear what others think.

As a liberal, I believe in equality and diversity. That means that I believe everyone is legally entitled to protection under the law. But others think that there should be different standards. They believe that homosexuals should not have the legal right to privacy. Or the right to serve in the Armed Forces. Or the right to marry.

So, if I get my way, we all have rights. But if you get your way, you get rights and I don’t.

You get the right to privacy. That means you can have sex with another consenting adult in your own home and it’s legal. But I can’t.

You can serve in the military. You can stand up and defend this nation. But I can’t.

You can get married to the person you love. But I can’t.

Also as a liberal, I support an individual’s right to their religion. I support their right to gather and worship and celebrate and pray as they choose for themselves. But others think those rights should be limited only to those who believe and worship and pray as they do. They don’t support Freedom of Religion. They support Freedom of Their Religion. And that means that they want rights that they aren’t willing to extend to others. They want Religious Freedom laws passed that will allow them to discriminate in the public square.

You say, “that sounds right. I mean, people should not have to do something that goes against their religious beliefs. No one is being discriminated against.” But if you get your way, an entire class of people loses their rights in this nation.

What does that look like? It means that we both travel to a new town and try to check into the same hotel. But the clerk sees the rainbow tag on my suitcase and says, “our religious freedom means we don’t have to allow homosexuals into our establishment,” so you are allowed to check in but I am forced to leave the premises.

It means that my husband and I can be forcibly removed from a restaurant because the owner sees us holding hands at the table and decides that we shouldn’t be served.

It means that the tow truck driver that pulls up behind me on the roadside and sees my rainbow sticker on my bumper can refuse to assist me, leaving me stranded on a deserted highway somewhere.

It means a private school can deny entry to a child because she has two mommies, even if that private school is supported by public taxpayer funds.

You believe that Religious Freedom laws protect everyone, but if you get your way, a private venue that rents space to the public can refuse an interracial marriage because they “don’t think the races should mix.”

A landlord can refuse to rent to a Jewish person. A homeowner can refuse to sell to a single mother with children. An employer can refuse to hire Blacks or Asians.

You think your beliefs are correct and that you’re supporting individual freedom. But if you get your way, you’re actually harming others as they seek housing, employment, lodging, and services.

I want a nation where people are free to live their lives as they choose while respecting the freedoms of others to do the same. I think equality matters. But if you get your way, the religious majority in this country will get what they want at the expense of the minorities.

Separate is not equal. It never has been. But if you get your way, bigotry and discrimination will spread across this nation. And we will move further away from the American Ideal of Liberty and Justice for all.

